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kathy33 kathy33's Blog

Posted over 7 years

keeping a bit of cash for you

When you're a new mum it can be tough juggling a work, social and motherhood role. This can be essential read by Paul financial planning and losing track of important due dates and when bills need to be paid.

payday loans

Motherhood is a beautiful thing by can bless you with a scatty memory. This can lead to forgetting to pay bills or settle bills that will incur late fees. Such a situation has happened to me on more than one occurrence. A common mistake of mine used to always park in a place where I will receive a parking fine, and then proceed to forget about the parking fine and I am only reminded when a late Bill lands on my doorstep.

My time is precious I want to spend it with my children, my husband and of course occasionally my friends. Juggling work and these three other responsibilities is not easily trust me. So I do not have time to go into banks or other places in order to sort out my finances but I prefer to do is to simply logon see that my balance is in the red and then proceed to going to a payday loan.

This new service of payday loans no faxing means that I can apply from the comfort of work or even on the train and have the money in my account within half an hour. They are godsend to me about them I do not know how I would manage my end of finances or the extra costs that I simply cannot cover.

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